Xenia coffee machines

The face in the crowd

Xenia HX
HX machine reinvented

Xenia DB
precision with 2 boilers

Xenia 303
Energy efficiency in a special design
Made in Germany
Developed and manufactured in Germany.
unique features
Useful improvements of existing concepts and unique features are always part of our machines
The configurator can be used to specify features and appearance according to one's own wishes.
Buy from manufacturer
We concentrate on the essentials: our own machine and can always provide competent and reliable information and support.

Xenia DB

The dual boiler concept of the Xenia ensures that the brewing group and the brewing boiler are always in the same temperature range. This makes espresso shots precisely reproducible. The steam boiler, which can be adjusted to up to 1.8 bar, always provides plenty of dry and powerful steam for frothing.
Energy-saving thanks to insulations and eco mode
brewgroup and boiler heated up to under 7 minutes
Connecting a scale by the Beanconqueror App
pressure profiling (with optional power controller)
clear and comprehensive web interface
Display of actual and set temperature
Integration into the home network without app and registration constraints
freely definable reference scripts via drag'n'drop

Xenia HX

The Xenia as a 2-circuit machine shows that the concept of a machine with a heat exchanger offers many advantages if usful improvements are implemented. For example, the Xenia does not need a cooling flush before an extraction and the heating times are up to less than 10 minutes.
temperature stable and reproducible extractions
self-cleaning heat exchanger (no cooling flush necessary)
Heating up time of only 10-14 minutes
useful options, such as a side tank insertion
optional web interface (WiFi) with start timers
good frothing thanks to cappuccino mode

Xenia 303

At the end of 2019, we started thinking about how to make boiler machines more energy efficient without losing the advantages of the boilers for espresso and cappuccino preparation. To do this, we have moved away from the traditional design and equip the boilers with a very effective insulation (with air-evacuated shells). The exposed brew group itself also has internal and invisible insulation to minimize heat loss.
very effectively insulated boilers
ready for operation in a few minutes
All the advantages of the Xenia DB with power controller
exposed brewgroup with internal thermal insulation
large drip tray saving space under the machine

Interesting facts about Xenia machines

In addition to the features of the machines described above, all machines have many positive things in common.
modern technology
High quality materials and workmanship
use that is harmless to health
ready for operation in a short time

About us

We started in 2007 with the distribution of espresso machines. With the accumulated experience and wishes and suggestions of our customers, we started in 2012 to design our first machine, which is built by our team of 9 people since 2016.
Close customer contact over the past years has resulted in many practical solutions for which our machines have become well-known. The members of the Forum www.kaffeenetz.de have also contributed to this.
However, development did not stop there. At the end of 2022, we were able to put the Xenia into production as a dual boiler. Both machines were carefully designed, came onto the market fully developed and have many unique selling points. These include the fact that you can determine the equipment and appearance yourself in many respects via the configurator.
We pay a lot of attention to quality when selecting parts and so the parts come almost exclusively from suppliers in the region, from Germany or Italy. We assemble and test the machines unit by unit at our site in Velten - near Berlin - and thus ensure that every customer gets a machine that will give him pleasure for a very long time.
With the production location 'Germany', we also produce where most of the machines are sold. So our customers are primarily coffee lovers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, but some machines have also made it as far as Japan, Saudi Arabia, USA, Asia and New Zealand.

Our customers like to demonstrate their machine to interested parties and so every year there are a few such points of contact where you can take a closer look at the machine and talk about it.
If you are interested, we will be happy to establish contact. Please send a mail and mention the number of the location:.
1 – München
2 – Graz
3 – Offenbach
4 – Düsseldorf
5 – Köln
6 – Karlsruhe
7 – Ottensoos
8 – Regensburg
Feel free to contact us:
+49 (0)3304 522 0808 or
Opening hours:
Luisenstr. 4 in 16727 Velten
täglich von 8:00 – 14:30 Uhr
Termine bitte nur nach Absprache.

Contact information:
Xenia Espresso GmbH
Luisenstr. 4 i
16727 Velten
Telefon: +49 (0)3304 522 0808